May 24, 2020



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All the Good Things (7)

Happy Sunday friends! I truly cannot believe we’re nearly at the end of May. Like, excuse me, what? When?

But here we are guys & ya know what? I firmly believe there’s a lot to look forward to in June. So let’s keep that positive outlook & check out the goodness I found this week…

  • Good news! Here’s the secret to a long, healthy life. This week I was introduced to the concept of Blue Zones – that is areas of the work where people are living the 7 or so years longer than most people & they have good quality of life in those extra years. This was a fun article to read & reflect on. Key takeaways: move your bod, buy some beans, connect with people. (BBC)  
  • The past 30 days I’ve been doing a Song Challenge on Instagram. Each day has a prompt & I have to say it’s been so fun to consider the prompts & find the right song. I made a playlist of all my selections! If you want to do the challenge yourself, you can find the prompt list here. (Spotify)  
  • This week my husband & I watched the first couple episodes of a new show on Hulu called The Great. I’d describe it as darkly comedic historical fiction & I’m into it.  
  • Yesterday I went for a walk around the neighborhood & took some photos. While I walked I listened to this Ted Radio Hour podcast episode about Joy. There was a lot of goodness in that hour of my week & I’m grateful. Key takeaway: “The fact that nothing lasts is the reason everything matters” (TED)  
  • Immersion blenders are amazing & if you don’t have one… fix that A.S.A.P. We put one on our wedding registry & I’m so glad we did. But to be honest, I hadn’t used it much until this week. While on the phone with my friend she quickly listed about 10 possible uses for this magic tool & I was shook. I made a perfect hollandaise sauce in 1 minute. Next up: salsa!

Make it a great week, my friends!



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