August 29, 2017



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Italy Part 1

Italy. How do I even begin describing it? It was a photographers dream. The colors, the textures, the unique and historic architecture literally everywhere you turn. To be a wedding photographer there – oh my goodness, I can only imagine… We landed in Rome and spent 3 nights there. We found a small but cute Airbnb near the Colosseum. It was perfect Roman living – a narrow, cobblestone street filled with shops and just around the corner from a ornate fountain. We soon realized this fountain becomes the perfect evening mingling spot for the locals to sit, sip their wine, and talk with their friends. SO cute. We were in a great location, walking distance to the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, the Colosseum, Palatine Hill,  and the Roman Forum (all of which we visited) – not to mention many incredible restaurants! It was heaven. Tiresome heaven. All of the walking and sightseeing was hard work! But it was so worth it everyday. We made the most of it and visited all the sights I previously mentioned including the Vatican Museums – all in 3 days! I’ve tried to keep the photos mostly chronological. I hope you enjoy Rome from my point of view! Italy part 2 will include photographs from the second part of the trip when we got to the Amalfi Coast (insert heart-eye emoji here).

A few words of advice if you’re soon going to Rome for the first time!

Definitely stay somewhere within walking distance to the spots I mentioned and bring shoes that you know will be comfortable. The cobblestone streets are charming to look at but very hard on your feet!

Read reviews on Trip Advisor to find the best places to eat and enjoy gelato. Surprisingly, not all gelato is created equal – even in Italy. Speaking of, always take the opportunity to sample the gelato to make sure its amazing!

I highly recommend going to the Vatican museums. I’m not a religious person. It was about the history and the art for me! The intricacy of the entire place is astounding. BUT do yourself a huge favor and buy your tickets ahead of time online! I read this tip before going and I’m so glad I did. It was exactly as they said – we walked around the outer wall for a while, passing a very long line of people who were waiting to buy tickets. We we able to pass them all and go straight in to go through security – which only took a few minutes! And we were in! So many hours saved I’m sure. Buy your tickets ahead of time on the official website here.


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